How to move files from one cpanel to other cpanel

How to move files from one cpanel to other cpanel

Few days ago I was working with a clients . His site has a big file size which is almost 1.5 GB . He wanted to clone the site to another server and rebuild it and then transfer again to the main site. But I found it to difficult or lengthy process to download all files to my computer and then re-upload it to another server. So I was searching for the solution for this and finally I got it.

The process is simple, you need to create a free Mover account, then follow the below step by step tutorial to move your files to the new server, without downloading them locally. It’s a migration from your actual server to the new one.


Then just follow like the above image. And you should be done.

Closing Lightbox popup using browser back button

Closing Lightbox popup using browser back button

I have been in web development field for almost 4 years and I am learning new things every now and then.

Today I have got another issue solved that is not common.

I was developing this site and in this page there is a job feed from other site. I was using WP RSS multi importer wordpress plugin to import feed. And it opens the job link as a popup.

The popup has nrmal close button at bottom. And it can be closed also by simple clicking outside of the popup.

But my client was asking something not comon. That is he was trying to close the popup by pressing browser back button.

Ultimately it was closing the popup but as the popup is not a page; that is why it was taking him to home page means previous page. But clients wants to stay on the same page and wants to close the popup by pressing the back button of the browser.

I was trying to find the solution and finally got it.

Easiest way is to make user feel that its pop-up or model not a new page, by using some margins or making it span10 offset1 kind of.

Another way around is Open and Close method which is described here

And the best method is

Hope All the guys found it helpfull

Adding Extra CSS Class to header.php when scrolling

Adding Extra CSS Class to header.php when scrolling

Since Many days I was trying to make a sticky header for websites and I know what to do for that but didn’t know how to do that.

I was trying to set a transparent header when the website is not scrolling but wanted to add header background color when it is scrolling, so that the header transparent go and make the header readable when it is scrolling. I knew that if I can add an extra class to wordpress header class when it is scrolling then I will be done. So finally I got the way for it. Just add the following code snipet to your wordpress theme function file and then manage it according to your need.

After this just call that CSS class (in this case shrink) to your theme style.css file and you are done.

Hope this helps to everybody.

How can I apply the rules below to IE only?

Apply CSS Rules to IE only

There are 2 ways to do so. One like below

<!--[if IE]>
<style type="text/css">
  IE specific CSS rules go here

And second one like to avoid loading multiple CSS files or to have inline CSS is to hand a class to the body tag depending on the version of Internet Explorer.

<!--[if IE ]><body class="ie"><![endif]-->
<!--[if !IE]>--><body><!--<![endif]-->

Now in your css code, you can simply do:

.ie .abc {

How to root your symphone w71i OR any Smartphone

I was searching to root my newly bought symphony w71i set. But couldn’t get a right solution for a long time. But finally I got it. It is so easy to do.

Just download this sofware from this site Here named Kingo root.

After downloading that just install it to your computer and open it.

Then enable USB debugging from your Androind set setting option. Settings >> Developer option >> USB debugging. Tick on that.

After that Just connect your phone to computer using USB cable. Then Kingo softwae will show you Connected phone status. Then just Click Root in the Kingo from your computer. And you are done.

Just don’t do anything untill the process is finish. you can also unroot after you root it.

You can also unroot your phone whenever you need by using this software also.

Here are a new list of best android root software. Checkout this article for this .

Note that Do root at your own risk. As it may damage your phone if it is not done properly.

How to fix ftp “cleartext sessions are not accepted on this serve” error

Cleartext sessions are not accepted on this serve

“421 Sorry, cleartext sessions are not accepted on this server” means that the server is using “FTP Over Explicit TLS/SSL”. This is a Good Thing.

You might be able to fix it by giving the protocol “ftpes:” instead of “ftp:”:


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