Create Post via email to wordpress

Create Post via email to wordpress

WordPress can be configured to enable Creating post via email. To do so you need to follow any of the bellow method

  • Use a plugin
  • Or Configure at wp dashboard

You can use any of the following plugin to enable post via email

To Configure at wordpress dashboard go to Settings >> Writing. Then fill the information there such as “Login Name” “Mail Server” etc.

After configuring that you can test it


To test your configuration, simply send an e-mail to yournewaccount@yourmaildomain (or to user@yourmaildomain if you used the .qmail forwarding setup). Then do the following:

  • If you have no automated system set up, simply view in your browser. The script should tell you that it found an e-mail, and print details of the post it made. Then view your blog again to see your email posted.

You can find details configuration information here

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